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Шарлотта Бронте

Стихи сестер Бронте

Жанр: проза


Бронте Шарлотта

Стихи сестер Бронте

Шарлотта, Эмилия и Энн Бронте


Переводчик - Николай ШОШУН



Life, believe, is not a dream

So darc as sages say;

Oft a little morning rain

Foretells a pleasant day.

Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,

But these are transient all;

If the shower will make the roses bloom,

O why laments its fall ?

Rapidly, merrily,

Life's sunny hours flit by,

Gratefully, cheerily,

Enjoy them as they fly !

What though Death at times steps in,

And calls our Best away ?

What though sorrow seems to win,

O'er hope, a heawy sway ?

Yet hope again elastic springs,

Unconquered, though she fell;

Still buoyant are her golden wings,

Still strong to bear us well.

Manfully, fearlessly,

The day of trial bear,

For gloriously, victoriously,

Can courage quell despair !


Поверь, что жизнь - не снов игра,

Не сказок темный лес.

Как часто мелкий дождь с утра


От боли стонет человек

Так ветер стонет тоже,

Осенний дождь и зимний снег

На плач людей похожи.

Но лишь придет на землю май

Все оживет, как прежде.

Беда с тобой ? Не унывай

И верь своей надежде !



Yes, thou art gone ! and never more

Thy sunny smile shall gladden me;

But I may pass the old church door,

And pace the floor that covers thee,

May stand upon the cold, damp stone,

And think that, frozen, lies below

The lightest heart that I have know,

The kindest I shall ever know.

Yet, though I cannot see thee more,

'Tis still a comfort to have seen;

And though I thy transient life is o'er,

'Tis sweet to think that thou hast been;

To think a soul so near divine,

Within a form, so angel fair,

United to a heart like thine,

Has gladdened once our humble sphere.


Да, ты ушел ! И нет теперь

Улыбки, солнечной такой.

Войду я в церковь через дверь,

Пройду по полу над тобой


My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring

And carried aloft on the wings of the breez;

For above and around me the wild wind is roaring,

Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.

The long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing,

The bare trees are tossing their branches on high;

The dead leaves, beneath them, are merrily dancing,

the white clouds are scuddind across the blue sky.

I wish I coukd see how the ocean is lashing

The foam of its billows to whirlwinds of spray;

I wish icould see how its proud waves are dashing,

And hear the wild roar of their thunder today !


Душа встрепенулась, как птица живая,

И в небо взлетела, на крыльях паря;

Свистит вольный ветер, меня обдувая,

Проносятся мимо леса и моря.

Желтеют под солнцем высокие травы,

И ветви деревьев трепещут слегка,

И ветер с листвою заводит забавы,

И быстро по небу бегут облака.

Я видеть желаю, как вихрями пены

Морскую волну растрепал ураган;

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